„Treat your body after a strenuous hiking or long-running day a soothing massage from our masseur“
Anti Stress Massage
30,00 €
This massage is a combination of classic facial-, décolleté- and neck massage and the deeply relaxing Shiatsu head/face. In a gentle way everyday stress is relieved.
30 Minuten

Spinal Column Massage “Dr. Breuss”
40,00 €
The “Breuss-Massage” is a very sensitive – highly energetic and ideally matched back massage in the area of the entire spine. It helps to solve deep blockages on the physical and mental level, to initiate the regeneration of under-supplied discs, and is the key to solving many problems in the movement apparatus – especially in the cross-leg region
40 Minuten
Hot Stone Massage
This massage covers the whole body. In addition to special massage treatments and the use of aromatic oils, pleasant, warm, heated, oval-cut stones are used. Miraculously, the healing effect and mental fitness is combined with the feeling of pampering. Enjoy an ancient style of indian body treatment! By treating with hot stones, the metabolism is stimulated, a high degree of mental and physical relaxation is achieved, tensions are solved, the circulation of the blood is stimulated in the lymph flow, the vital centers (chakras) are vitalized.
– only the back 40,00 € – 40 minutes
– full body 60,00 € – 90 minutes

Ear-Candle-treatment with Headmassage
49,00 €
Indian relaxation ceremony, soothing and reassuring. Relieves stress, headache, coryza and pressure in the ear area. A slight vacuum (chimney effect), heat and the vibration waves of the air act like a gentle eardrum massage. A simultaneous head massage promotes and intensifies a deep sense of security and happiness.
60 minutes
Bali Kristallmassage
60,00 €
This special massage technique from Bali was developed from traditional Asian massage elements and combines elements of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology and special strokes for the soul. An unforgettable experience.
90 minutes

LOMI-LOMI-NUI- Hawaiian Tempelmassage
65,00 €
The Lomi Lomi Massage is a very gentle form of massage practiced by the sages of Kahunas in the temples of Hawaii. The combination of rhythmic movements, energetic deletions and relaxing music makes for an unforgettable experience
– partmassage (45 minutes) 45,00 €
– full body (90 minutes) 65,00 €
65,00 €
With this massage, consisting of gentle massage strokes and slightly more powerful circular movements with the hands and forearms, more than just the skin is touched. This massage reaches the soul in your depth. It solves energetic blockages of physical as well as psychological nature and brings your body back into harmony. They will be able to let go inwardly, creating space for new vitality.
“The massage is kind of inward and you feel safe and secure“
90 minutes
Lymphdrainage Head-Face (Dr. Vodder)
30,00 €
By gentle strokes of the skin and a special grip technique, accumulations of lymph fluid, slag and toxins are carried away from the tissue. The face is gently dammed and relaxed.
30 minutes

Bodymassage with almontoil or aromaoil
Let yourself be pampered by relaxing, soothing massages. Gentle and pampering blockades are solved, stress conditions are loosened, mind and senses are sent on a journey.
40 minutes 40,00 €
25 minutes 30,00 €
Kosmetical Reflexologie 40,00 €
The special type of foot massage has developed over many years from old folk knowledge. In addition to local blood flow, this massage can also improve all organ and tissue functions. Even centuries ago, cultural peoples knew the connections and possibilities of this organic treatment, as the reflexology massage on the foot also shows.
40 minutes
Shiatsu Bodymassage
Shiatsu bodymassage with head/face 90 minutes 60,00 €Japanese pressure massage, through the gentle stimulation of certain pressure points and energy channels blockages are solved and the energy flow in the body is restored.
Shiatsu headmassage 30 minutes 30,00 €
Shiatsu bodymassage 75 minutes 49,00 €